
Hebrews is unavailable, but you can change that!

HEBREWS has been deeply appreciated by Christians throughout the ages-from the first century to the twenty-first. During the early days of the church, believers of all backgrounds were subject to persecution and pressure to renounce their faith. Jewish believers were vulnerable to doubts about Christ and to thinking about turning back to their familiar rituals and old way of thinking. The Epistle...

superior, and Christ is supreme and completely sufficient for salvation. As you read Hebrews, catch the profound message of this important book. Judaism may not be calling you back, but many other gods and belief systems clamor for attention and push for allegiance. Regardless of their claims and promises, know that only Jesus is the truth, and only he brings life. Jesus is the best, the only way (John 14:6). Don’t settle for anything less! AUTHOR The authorship of Hebrews has been in doubt since
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